Commercial Remodeling
Commercial renovations that create modern and accessible spaces
Are you looking to make your commercial space more modern and accessible? Kofler Design Build has years of experience in general contracting, project management, and building codes in Los Angeles County. Our trained team will work with you on assessing, planning, and executing your commercial remodeling project, whether you are looking to update, renovate, or extend your business premises. Nothing excites us more than creating brand worthy spaces for our commercial clients.
One mistake many business owners make is buying into the idea that commercial remodeling or renovation will be a hindrance or obstacle to successfully doing business. While some interruptions and inconveniences are unavoidable, you can continue to operate and even grow your business during this time as long as you have a solid plan in place for doing so. Our team of designers and planners will put together a remodeling plan that minimizes the impact on your work force or production. While changing locations might be a tempting option, there are plenty of reasons for simply modifying the location you are in.
It has been said that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and you want your commercial space to make all the right impressions on current and prospective clients. A well designed and newly remodeled office space can make a powerful visual impression. If clients see that you care about your environment and needs, they will draw the similar conclusion that you care about theirs. A modern, up to date office space simply translates into and exudes confidence and competence. Just consider the most recent locations where you have done business and ask yourself where you felt the most comfortable and the most positive. You want that same feeling for your customers.
Our design team can also help you maximize the space you are in, eliminating the waste, and improving overall organization and functionality. Departments can be located in close proximity to each other based upon their interworking relationships, and space adjustments cannot help but improve productivity and efficiency. The planning and design of your commercial remodeling project will depend a great deal upon those methods and procedures through which your employees operate. In some cases, a private office structure might be appropriate, whereas others might call for a simpler cubicle style approach. Just consider your approach to doing business, what your end goals are, as well as possible expansion for the future, and all of those elements can be incorporated into a comprehensive commercial remodeling plan.
We mentioned your employees. They are the backbone of your business, and the most successful businesses strive to create an inviting environment where their people look forward to coming in to work every day. Who would not appreciate a new office space? A location that they can be proud of. Doing so increases the excitement level of your employees, re-energizing your project teams, and increase not only productivity and a more concentrated work flow, but also retention and new recruitment.
As with any remodeling project, either commercial or residential, a solid renovation or remodeling project will do wonders for the surrounding property values for both tenant lease and owner facilities. Most renovations will pay for themselves withing a few years, and with commercial properties many times valued by their potential for producing income, owners will be justified when it comes time to increase rental rates. As a business owner, you want to save money whenever and wherever you can. A commercial remodeling project can significantly increase energy efficiency through the use of new innovations such as cool roofs, fluorescent fixtures, and spray foam insulation. Commercial construction has not been known for using green or other environmentally friendly products, but doing so can greatly impact energy cost savings. They can in many cases pay for themselves within a few years, we highly recommend considering them. Similarly, commercial remodeling projects often qualify for tax deductions and can figure greatly into your return on investment considerations. Rigorously evaluating the tax benefits available to you will go along way towards making a solid and well-informed decision.
Commercial remodeling is also far more cost efficient than a new construction. In many cases the need for additional space can be accommodating by revamping and reconstituting the existing space as opposed to the inconvenience and added cost of a large scale relocation. Renovation takes much less time to plan and execute than new construction. It is important to carefully consider your needs, current and future, and determine if your requirements can be met through an extensive remodeling, can the current location accommodate the required changes, or if the need for a full relocation is required.
We mentioned retention. A well designed and constructed office space can do much for enticing potential new employees. Who does not want a nice and welcoming and pleasant environment from which to work. For younger generations, this is becoming a must have priority. Commercial remodeling can go a long way towards establishing a corporate culture and identity, everywhere from workstations to the welcome area. Both parties are evaluating each other, and it is imperative that both put their best foot forward. Renovation also helps boost advertising, sending a clear signal to your customers that your business is thriving and moving forward. It also helps provide a singular advantage over your competitors who have not taken this step yet!
Finally, commercial remodeling and renovation allows you to make sure that everything is up to code and compliant with all safety and security regulations. Correcting safety issues reduce the likelihood of an accident on company grounds, as well as smoothing your relationship with OSHA and local code officials. At Koer Design Build, we are a family owned company with more than 15 years of experience in home remodeling in the Los Angeles area. We pride ourselves on maintaining professional working relationships with trade professionals in every aspect of home construction, allowing us to offer you, our customer, the highest quality results coupled with top flight customer service and response.